
What is SOT (Supportive Oligonucleotide Treatment)?

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What is SOT (Supportive Oligonucleotide Treatment)?

SOT, or Supportive Oligonucleotide Treatment, is the mRNA treatment that has radically altered the shape of my life. Restoring me to a (mostly) able-bodied person today.

Since this treatment is so new to infectious disease circles (although it’s been FDA cleared for certain types of cancer treatment for over a decade). I thought I’d post a bit here about SOT, and my experience using it.

My friend Sue really describes this treatment better than anyone I know, including myself. First step: watch this, below. She describes this treatment, where it came from, how it works, and why it’s such a revolution for hard to treat infections.

Watch Here

Now that you’ve got the run-down, here is the current list of infections RGCC, the lab in Greece that makes SOT can treat, so you can see if it might be a fit for you, or someone you know and love.

HHVI/HSVI (Herpes simplex oral)
HHV2/HSV2 (Herpes simplex genital)
VZV (Varicella zoster–Shingles)
EBV (Epstein Barre Virus)
HPV 16/18
HBV (Hepatitis B)
HCV (Hepatitis C)
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus – AIDS)
14 species of Lyme
Coxsackie (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease)

As you can see, pathogens we previously thought were impossible or extremely difficult to treat, can be targeted by this safe, non-invasive treatment.

My recovery is night and day since receiving it.

My personal story is as follows:

Prior to SOT, I felt like I was on a merry-go-round of treatment. Things worked for me temporarily, but my health always inevitably declined. Only with aggressive IV treatment, peptide shots, supplements, and lifestyle alterations, could I live and work as a mostly normal person. This was still a HUGE win at the time, but I had significant chronic pain, and would relapse easily without access to treatment. I also felt the cost of that level of treatment was nearly unaffordable.

With SOT, all of that has changed.

Currently I’ve received three SOT treatments, all for Lyme and coinfections.

Each treatment (which works in the body for six months at a time) has skyrocketed me into another level of recovery.

After my first, in August of 2019 I experienced the cessation of many of my major symptoms for the first time in seven years: air hunger, brain fog, exercise intolerance, unexplained weight gain, chronic yeast infections. All went away.

I was still more fatigued than I wanted to be, and still had relapsing remitting symptoms. I treated again.

After my second, I was able to reintroduce foods I never thought I would be able to eat, sugar, wine, alcohol. The color came back into my face, my bloating stopped. I felt VITALITY in my body. I was able to travel again. I wanted to work out. To move. My breathing was full and easy. I stopped taking my supplements and peptides, without any discernible downtick in my health. I was almost totally off the expensive supplements and treatments that had financially been draining me for many years.

It was a robust, and incredible miracle. We considered me in remission at that time–for the first time in seven years.

Now, I am seven weeks into my third treatment, as of June 23rd, 2021. Although I reached able-bodied status after my second, with four months off the treatment…I started to decline again slowly, but enough that we decided another treatment was warranted.

I will likely treat until my tests come up negative. This has happened to other friends of mine after one treatment. It will take as long as it takes for me.

I don’t know where the end will be with this treatment. How long I’ll do it, when I’ll cross the finish line, but I truly can now say I could live this way forever–treating myself once a year with SOT is the smallest possible price to pay for a renewed ability to live and thrive in my life.

If you have any questions about this treatment I can answer, from my own experience or from my clients let me know, I’m happy to help. The first weeks and sometimes months can be bumpy, and success stories afterwards speak for themselves.

Attached is a packet from The Genesis Center in Georgia about SOT and the science behind it for a more in-depth look if that kind of detail is your jam.

To your health! 100%!
