
A 6-Month Coaching Group to

Go Even Deeper and Stretch Even Farther Towards Your Dream Hollywood Career in our Advanced Program for Hollywood Artists.

If you have completed at least one round of the Inspired Hollywood Group you qualify to make an even bigger commitment to your artistry via the Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group

A 6-Month Coaching Group to

Go Even Deeper and Stretch Even Farther Towards Your Dream Hollywood Career in our Advanced Program for Hollywood Artists.

If you have completed at least one round of the Inspired Hollywood Group you qualify to make an even bigger commitment to your artistry via the Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group

A nurturing home for six advanced practitioners.

The Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group is an incubator for artists who want to deepen their inner work alongside like-minded artists who bring a high level of commitment to their game.

Offered only once a year, this tight-knit community of six artists takes their internal and external work to the next level by:

  • learning radical new tools
  • stretching beyond what they thought was possible
  • unlocking stratospheric success, together.

The Advanced IHG Difference
More In-person Time

In-person time is magic. Different breakthroughs occur when all participants share space together.

Past intensives have included:

  • Off-site adventures
  • Deep-dives into new material
  • Inspiring guest coaches
  • Even more connection amongst the group.

Intensives are precious time to reset, re-inspire, and gather as a group, then ride on new momentum going forward. Plus, they mean even more hours with your coach. Attending all four is mandatory for group participation.

The Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group is for those who want:

  • More access to their coach than the IHG provides. 
  • A community of greater intimacy to grow within.
  • More in-person face-to-face time than the Inspired Hollywood community can offer.
  • Time with extraordinary hand-picked guest coaches who teach at the top of the game. 
  • To apply more advanced spiritual, mental, and emotional concepts to their artistry and their lives.
  • To learn alongside advanced practitioners. 
  • To make a larger commitment to their artistry and career development, and get even bigger results. 

Committing to Sascha’s Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group was such a powerful decision.

I got back ON stage – after several pandemic years off – to perform a cabaret with a dear friend (something that brought up a lot of unexpected fear, resistance and imposter syndrome).

I also finally launched The Global Actor Podcast, a project that had been on my goals list for FOUR YEARS.

I recommend coaching with Sascha without reservation, especially if you know this is the year to finally move through your resistance and get after big things. But prepare yourself, you WILL grow.

– Elise Arsenault

Advanced Areas of Exploration

New and more advanced content is available in the Advanced Cohort — content that you can’t get in the lower level program. Curriculum will include:

The Trauma Resiliency Model TRM ®

The Enneagram

Tim Ferris’ Fear-setting

Unconscious Competing Intentions


Your Personal Greatness

Astonishing Guest Coaches

The higher level of investment in the Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group allows for guest coaches to join for calls and intensives and add to the learning for all. 

Guest Coaches are hand-picked by me and are leaders in their fields, operating at the highest level of the game. 

Past Guest Coaches have included: Michelle Scott, Tarita Preston, and Claudia ConchaNew guests are considered every year. 

Guest coaches bring fresh perspectives and specialized tools from their own arsenal to assist each group member in moving towards their goals. 

Unlimited Email Support

There is nothing more valuable than being able to reach out to your coach the second you need it.

The greater the accessibility of your coach, the more you can take action on the opportunities present in your life as they occur. This is how we make stratospheric progress.

The Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group provides this resource to each participant via unlimited email support, something usually reserved only for my 1:1 clients.

As Advanced cohort participants, you get to receive tailored feedback that serves you right where you are, any time you want it during the business week.

Bigger Investment = Bigger results

I am experiencing things in my life—not just my career—that two years ago I would have never thought were possible and it is all because of the work I have been able to do in the Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group.

With Sascha’s tremendous guidance, wisdom, and support I have transformed into the person, the artist, and the professional that I have always dreamt of being and what’s more: this experience, this confidence, has completely come from within. Not as a result of some big job, a massive paycheck, or any other material experience (though I did manifest some very major things!) It has been because of Sascha’s coaching, because of the loving container she creates and the people in it, and because this is her design—to guide you with fierce grace right to the most powerful, authentic expression of you.

My life is forever changed, I am healed in profound ways, and will take every ounce of what I learned here into the rest of my life, paying it all forward as I go. Put simply, if you want to become who you are meant to be, you can start right here.”

-Kelly Sue Milano, Writer

About the Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group

The Advanced Hollywood Inspired Group offers:

4 In-Person Intensives

Our in-person intensives are designed to enable you to go deeper in your practice as an artist. You’ll meet in Los Angeles for a variety of transformational in-person experiences: from off-site adventures to deep dives into advanced topics.

10 Group Coaching Sessions via Zoom

Every other week, we’ll meet to add to your momentum. The goal here is to create a flywheel for your Hollywood career. New inspiration begets new successes, which further drives new inspiration.

Peer Support Calls

Every other week you meet with another member of the Advanced IHG to process your progress and challenges, in a loving and structured container.

Unlimited Access to Email Support

The Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group offers unlimited email coaching with me–something usually available only to my 1:1 clients. Whether you are making an important decision or trying to recover from a recent setback, there is nothing like being able to tap into expertise and loving support at key career moments.

Project Tracking

In the Advanced Hollywood Inspired Group, we don’t just hope for change, we track it. Track goals, chart your transformation and turn vision into decision.

6 Monthly Reports

Hold yourself accountable and receive deeper insight on your progress by turning in monthly reports that track your progress towards your intentions.

Support from Guest Coaches

Tap into the expertise of extraordinary guest coaches, hand-picked by me, who offer deep perspective and new tools to help you achieve your goals.

Private Coaching Sessions

Go even deeper in 1:1 sessions with me. Heal from past career woundings, untangle internal knots, and come out re-inspired, reinvigorated, and ready to take action.

What it Feels Like in the Advanced IHG

Advanced IHG calls begin with a centering where we call in forces seen and unseen to support the growth process. Then, we call ourselves into our greatest level of loving and inspiration inside.

From there, we facilitate heart-centered curriculum that you take on both individually, in small groups, and in the larger group.

On each call there is also time for open-coaching, where each group member brings their current coaching needs to the call to receive feedback where they are.

Group calls feel like home, like the warmth of being with family. Calls are also challenging, both to old ways of being and thinking and to your old assumptions about yourself and the world.

After each call, you leave reconnected to possibility, reinvigorated, and operating from your Higher Self, that space within that always guides you towards your best choices in your career and your world.

“The Advanced IHG was exactly what I needed when it came along. I needed something that outsmarted and called out all the lingering ways I kept my career small.

I had already accomplished so much by way of working with Sascha, I had starred in a movie, I had began my career as a producer, which was a surprise, I got married, I had launched several campaigns, recurred on multiple animated series, what more could be possible or deepened? I found that it was me. Even though I have sought self-help and recovery for over the last 10.5 years, there was something still lurking inside me that had yet to be healed.

The Advanced course helped all of the cobwebs in the corners come to the forefront. And while that wasn’t the most “fun” part of the coaching, what mattered most was the support, love and guidance I received from Sascha as I navigated some of the toughest material I had uncovered. I couldn’t have gone through the last two years without the more individualized access and attention I got by doing the group.

AND there were still “cash and prizes”, as a result of braving some of the most difficult aspects of my personal history. I became incorporated, starting my own production company, traveled to Europe twice for my career as a producer, signed on to be the lead and producer two feature films, met with top studios in Los Angeles for pitch meetings, and became a DISNEY PRINCESS, which is just as wild as it sounds. I have never been more myself and in this program, flourished into the person, actor, and producer that was resting deep within myself.

—Sarah Hollis, Actress, Writer, Producer



Our Full program
+ 2 1:1 coaching sessions


  • 4 in-person intensives in Los Angeles
  • 10 2-hr group calls
  • Thinking Sessions
  • Monthly Reports
  • Unlimited Access to Email
  • Support Project tracking with targeted actions
  • Support from guest coaches


Total Price:


Our Full program
+ 4 1:1 coaching sessions


  • 4 in-person intensives in Los Angeles
  • 10 2-hr group calls
  • Thinking Sessions
  • Monthly Reports
  • Unlimited Access to Email
  • Support Project tracking with targeted actions
  • Support from guest coaches


Total Price:


Our Full program
+ 6 1:1 coaching sessions


  • 4 in-person intensives in Los Angeles
  • 10 2-hr group calls
  • Thinking Sessions
  • Monthly Reports
  • Unlimited Access to Email
  • Support Project tracking with targeted actions
  • Support from guest coaches


Total Price:

Email: sascha@saschaalexander.com

How to enroll

Advanced Inspired Hollywood Group is limited to 6 artists and is limited to those who have already completed the Original Inspired Hollywood Group.
Advanced Hollywood Group Signup