
I Love Artists

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I Love Artists

I’m an artist, and I love other artists. I always have. As a young girl traipsing into movie theaters in Seattle in the early 90s, I was dazzled by close-ups of Nicole Kidman, Lucy Liu, Kate Winslet: the stars I grew up with. You saw their whole heart in their eyes. “I’m like that,” I thought. “I can feel like that.”

And I could. I love that artist part of me. She is so clear. So enthusiastic. So deep.

I believe all artists are like that. It’s a huge part of why I love them. All my coaches, therapists, and mentors have been artists. My closest friends are writers, singers, actors, and producers. When I watch famous actors get interviewed on late night talk shows I fall in love with them a little every time. I always end up thinking: “We’d be friends. I know it.”

Artists are some of the most compassionate, curious, interesting, and visionary people I know.

They are also some of the most dissatisfied people I know. Some of the most neurotic. Some of the most blocked, addicted, and self-sabotaging. They have the worst self-esteem, the greatest need for rehabilitation. They often live with disappointment, longing, and helplessness. They often desperately stand in their own way.

As I’ve grown my coaching business, the second career outside of my artistic one, I’ve learned tools I never learned as a professional artist. Tools that helped me get out of my own way. Feel better in my life. Succeed as a professional in the world.

As my life had improved my gigantic leaps as a result of these practices and skills, I’ve marveled at what I was not taught as an artist.

As an artist I was taught to wait–not start.
I was taught chaos–not professionalism.
I was taught magic–not daily action.
I was taught helplessness–not creativity.
I was taught fragility–not internal strength.
I was taught to go it alone–rather than generate community that made my career happen ALONGSIDE me.

No wonder the road was hard. Harder than it needed to be.

I started to wonder: what if we taught artists the things we teach other professionals? Perseverance, professional confidence, abundance mentality, and celebration of self and others?

What if artists started including themselves sooner? What if they asked for more help? Saw themselves as people who deliver profound service? Supported each other, instead of feeling threatened?

Might they start living with more confidence, ownership, power, joy, and satisfaction? Might they stop feeling like victims, and really start to BLOSSOM? Might there be better art in the world as a result? Might there be more diversity, inclusion, and representation in Hollywood as artists at all socioeconomic levels and from all walks of life learn to mobilize themselves in different ways?

Starting January 2021, with spots filling now, I’m opening up a group especially for these people: the brilliant ones, the deep ones, the ambitious ones, the Hollywood artists who know that more is available for them, inside and out, and want claim a new future, starting now.

This group is for actors, writers, producers, or directors who are stuck at one level of their careers, who want to move forward. Who want to love what they do again, approach their work with authenticity and joy and hit new levels of success in their lives.

It’s called the Six-Month Inspired Hollywood Group and it will be filled with people who want to go all IN on themselves, their talent, and their dreams in 2021.

Does this sound like you? Are you curious to hear more?

If so, comment or DM me and we’ll set up a time to talk.

No matter what happens in that conversation, my commitment is to serve you where you are in your artistic career. As a fellow artist, this is something that deeply lights me up. COVID is a time we can slow down and come out different, if we choose to. We can use this time to dig in to who we really want to be in this industry and how we want to show up. And come out in 2021 ready to be that person in the world.

There’s so much available to us as artists. Passion, inspiration, confidence, peace. That’s something I wish I had learned sooner. That I didn’t have to wait for someone to give it to me. I could start NOW.

My coach recently told me that Hollywood is made up of individuals. It’s what we make it. I agree and my opinion as a coach, is that it all starts on the inside. It all starts with you.

If this inspires you–let’s speak.

No matter what, know that I believe you.
I believe in artists and what we offer in the world.
You have something very valuable and specific to add to the conversation. You don’t have to wait to add it.

I’m for YOU and for all of us.
